Monday, September 20, 2010

This is my room =)

Hey my family and friends!! =DD

I knew... I should reply your email at the first when I saw it ^^
But... The timetable is so FULL,from 10am to 9.30pm,there are loads of activities which lining up..
So sorry for letting you worry about me...

So just let the pictures tell you a story about me here k?

My 1st TEMPORARY room

This is Elms Village,a zone where I stay in.... When I arrive Belfast,my room was not ready yet(I don't know why... Maybe the person still haven't move out yet =)) Ooh well,this picture is taken from my TEMPORARY room,in ROWAN GARDENS... Isn't it beautiful??

Here is my study table...

And here is my WARDROBE??

The hostel here is like hotel... They don't really give a key, but they do give a card...
I have to swipe it 3 times before I can enter my room...

I stay here from Tuesday(14/9) to Sat(18/9)...
Well... At this 4 days,I really like the room,especially the study table. It's spacious for me & I feel that I can concentrate sitting in front of it.
So on Sat,the confusion starts and I start terrify about my new room. Especially when an Indian guy accidentally told me that he's staying at the building that I will be moving in... (of course!! I am not racist!! )But then when he started telling me that he's the ONLY guy who staying at that building,I straightway ran to the reception Centre & request to change room,saying that I am not going to move in.... (I know I am mean,but sorry.... It's my safety & I have responsibility to protect myself,the bathroom,washroom & kitchen are shared & so I don't want to put any risk on myself man!!) So... I am in waiting list now,if any room is available,I can move out from my room =)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today.. Another boring day! Same feeling,I HATE HOLIDAY man!

Today activities :

1)Start packing up - Never knew I have so many dresses and clothes to be brought over to my new place. 30kg?? It sounds ridiculous if I am going to bring ALL of my favorite clothes there! ==

2)Make new spectacles & contact lens - Sad to know that short-sightedness is worsening(150 to 225),means that I have to put more effort to take care of my eyes.

3)Hiking - Hello uncles and aunties! They are my new new friends,who fond hiking(like me)! I like them,as they are really nice & friendly. =) Hopefully when they read it, they will patron my pharmacy one day larh hahah!(Just joking just joking! =D) Start wondering why teenagers nowadays like to show sour face when meeting new people,is it really that hard to *smile* & *say hi!* when people are nice to you?

4)Chat with my 2 sis on MSN - Tell them something hilarious,promise each other to keep secret of it.

Okay,To-do-list for tomorrow :

1)Reading -Should finish the book(more precisely,the Buddhist kitab! XD) which I borrow from my chiewchiew.

2)Bind my A-level notes & pastyear into books - Whoever need them please feel free to tell me! F.O.C.~~~

3)Phone the Penang Sick Home - Do appointment for the social work on Friday

4)Choose the photos to be printed out - This will be the hardest task for me lerh aikss...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Destiny - A Joke from Heaven


It sounds mad! But really,it's the truth!! You think goyang kaki at home is a good past-time? No,absolutely NOT!!

Especially when you have to face your beloved mum,who keeps saying(with tears in her eyes),"Tomyam is your favourite... You better eat more,if not after 2 months,you'll miss it very much!!" Hmmm.. Do you know how it feels when your heart is in pain?

Secondly,I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! Hahaha...
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose. =)
I am glad that I have friends like you... Yeah,I mean you! All my friends!!


Disted College- At here, I learn more about destiny. It's something really complicated. When you start to curious what is love. HE to give you opportunity to like somebody. Okay,the person showed up and albeit he doesn't make you cry,your tears will just drop because of him (with/without reason) . You'll then start envy of those who is persued. Eventually,no matter how many people trying to get your attention,you'll feel that isn't what you want.

Maybe the right one still haven't appear on a right timing?
Learn to love, learn to be loved.
Learn to cry,learn to protect others.

What will be the next? It's like a dream,love-is the joke from heaven!

Harry Potter - Golden Snitch