Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today.. Another boring day! Same feeling,I HATE HOLIDAY man!

Today activities :

1)Start packing up - Never knew I have so many dresses and clothes to be brought over to my new place. 30kg?? It sounds ridiculous if I am going to bring ALL of my favorite clothes there! ==

2)Make new spectacles & contact lens - Sad to know that short-sightedness is worsening(150 to 225),means that I have to put more effort to take care of my eyes.

3)Hiking - Hello uncles and aunties! They are my new new friends,who fond hiking(like me)! I like them,as they are really nice & friendly. =) Hopefully when they read it, they will patron my pharmacy one day larh hahah!(Just joking just joking! =D) Start wondering why teenagers nowadays like to show sour face when meeting new people,is it really that hard to *smile* & *say hi!* when people are nice to you?

4)Chat with my 2 sis on MSN - Tell them something hilarious,promise each other to keep secret of it.

Okay,To-do-list for tomorrow :

1)Reading -Should finish the book(more precisely,the Buddhist kitab! XD) which I borrow from my chiewchiew.

2)Bind my A-level notes & pastyear into books - Whoever need them please feel free to tell me! F.O.C.~~~

3)Phone the Penang Sick Home - Do appointment for the social work on Friday

4)Choose the photos to be printed out - This will be the hardest task for me lerh aikss...

Harry Potter - Golden Snitch