Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This is the summer that I missed a lots,
 I missed granny's birthday,
 I missed my dearest mommy's birthday,
 I missed the time together with the one that I heart,
 and I am going to miss my dearest chiewchiew's birthday. *Sigh*

Hahahahha.. Heard of this song and feels so comfortable,


3 cousins of mine,

Daddy and mommy, "M, who do you love the most?"
M : "Daddy and mommy" She replied firmly, steadily.

Daddy and mommy, "R, who do you love the most?"
R : "Mommy, hmmm... Daddy too" She replied with her maximal tones of manja-ness.

Daddy and mommy, "J, who do you love the most?"
J : "I will love myself, then only I love you"

These are the answer from 3 little children, who were asked randomly by their parents when they were just 7 years old.

Different people has their own way to love, either to love yourself, or to love his/her affectionate one.
When a guy loves you,
He will have to get his balance between providing the best life to his another half, as well as taking time to bond with his partner;
When a girl loves you,
She will always thinking and thinking,  squeeze all of her time, efforts and money, just to prove that she loves him too. (This is when she doesn't have to commit to her family/ children)

如果幸福不是结局,而是经营。女生们会有力气爱下去吗? 傻小孩,男生不是没有生来就没有嘴巴告诉他想什么吧?:)

Sometimes it is not the things you do that touched the guys.
 It's the things you DON'T DO that brings along the emotional bond.

 So just be his little fan, 米粉好,凉粉也好,respects whatever he is thinking, everyone has their rationale to do things. And be a wise one when he is lost or need supports.

Nobody says SIMPLE is EASY,

Nobody is born with the instinct to love. It's the people you encounter in life, as well as the choice you made in your own lever,that determine how much love you can ACCEPT as well as to SHARE OUT.

I am truly grateful that I have you when I am starting with zeroness, who brings colors to my life, my dear chiewchiew and chiewmu.

My love diary starts with a blank,diary up the 小感动that you give me. When times pass by, happiness grows. :) Thanks to little author, Dr. Hug Hug Teddy.

 Love is like a ghost, you feel it, but you never see it. I love you not because only you are mature, it's purely you are you :) 

Hahah you know what is the best things in the world?
It's the EFFORTS :) 

I am in my best efforts in works, interview and expressing today and I am happy!
Good nap and see you soon. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ Heheh ><

Harry Potter - Golden Snitch