Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Woohoo! No more acting, just a video watching for today class.
This is one of my favourite class, Communication Skills, which I most probably need a lots.

When someone is angry, FEELING is FIRST.

Nobody will want to know how much you know,
Until you show them how much you care :)

6 steps of handling :

1) You looks angry!

Son't deny your/your client's feeling,
Admit and accept it as abnormality.

2)Tell me about it..

Be open minded,
Be an active listener.

3)I am sorry that it happens to you.

Don't feel afraid to apologise for something not your fault,
Sometimes sorry can be a word of empathy and sympathy.

4) What would you like me to do? or What is your desire outcome?

You are the ONE I care.

5)What I will suggest or do is ...

As a professional point of view.

6)Thanks for sharing your feeling, feel free to come back to me if you need anything else.

Establish the relationship with patient after event.

Harry Potter - Golden Snitch